Prof. Ulf Aminde
Foto: Uwe Niklas 2012
Prof. Ulf Aminde
Prof. Aminde is an artist, filmmaker and teaching activist. He is professor for Time Based Arts at the Weissensee academy of Art, Berlin in the Foundation Year department. There he initiated the *foundationClass for newcomers who want to start their studies at an art academy. In Cologne he will develop a film-based (and by using Augmented Reality also participative) monument in memory of the racist attacks by the terrorist NSU network in Probsteigasse and Keupstrasse. In his cinematic work he deals with the potential of self-empowerment through the performative camera, alienating effects in the documentary, and strategies of subjectivation. In doing so, he roams through categories of standardization, norms and questions social concepts such as discrimination and exclusion of minorities. His film works are mostly characterized by collaborations and experimental settings. He studied at Universität der Künste, Berlin with Lothar Baumgarten, where he graduated in 2004.
Relevant (selected) publications
1.) Aminde, U. (Ed.). (2009). Ruhe und Ordnung, Ulf Aminde: anlässlich der Ausstellung Ulf Aminde, Ruhe und Ordnung, 2008 innerhalb der Ausstellungsreihe 2008, Abenteurer im Ausstellungsraum JET, Berlin. Berlin: Argobooks.
2.) Aminde, U. (2011a). Perform a lecture. In E. Blumenstein & F. Geuß (Eds.), Perform a Lecture! a project in six parts at different sites in Berlin (neue Ausg). Berlin: The Office [u.a.].
3.) Aminde, U. (2011b). Ulf aminde: miserere. Berlin: Argobooks.
Relevant (selected) projects and activities
1.) Previous exhibitions include Berlin Biennale 4, Havanna Biennale. KW Berlin, Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlinische Galerie, NGBK Berlin, ZKM Karlsruhe, MARTa Herford, Steirischer Herbst, Schirn Frankfurt, Kästner Gesellschaft Hannover, MoCA Taipei, Kunstverein Heidelberg, Staatstheater Mannheim, Kunstverein Wolfsburg and Galerie Tanja Wagner.
2.) Initiated *foundationClass, a program for artists and designers with a refugee background. The program is a part of the foundation year department of the Weissensee Academy of Art. The *foundationClass strives to open up a social space within Weissensee Academy of Art within which knowledge and artistic and design practices are not consumed but questioned and where new forms of knowledge and practice will be produced collectively.
3.) Redevelopment of the core curriculum of the foundation course at Weissensee Academy of Art based on consideration of societal matters.